Slow Fiber

Slow Fiber emerges from a collaboration between Slow Food Italy and several exemplary companies in the textile industry, aiming to represent positive change through sustainable production processes. This initiative strives to create products that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also healthy, clean, fair, and durable, respecting both human dignity and nature's delicate balance. Slow Fiber seeks to spread awareness of the textile products' impact on the environment, industry workers, and consumer health, promoting a new ethical and cultural approach to clothing and home decor globally.

  • Beautiful

    A product can achieve high aesthetic quality without compromising respect for the environment and humanity. Beauty also means health for the wearer, fairness for the workers involved, environmental cleanliness, and longevity.

  • Healthy

    We choose to produce by avoiding harmful substances as much as possible, fully respecting current regulations. Healthy means caring for and respecting people from production to the final product, safeguarding our workers' and consumers' health, and protecting the environment.

  • Fair

    Nothing can be beautiful if it results from the injustice or exploitation of other human beings. We believe in people and are committed to ensuring the well-being and enhancement of each individual's skills and professionalism, also by providing comfortable, healthy, and safe work environments.

  • Good

    Good represents the industrial model we aim to embody, choosing and promoting suppliers and partners who share the same values, such as local ties, supply chain traceability and transparency, financial stability, and regular sustainability reporting.

  • Clean

    Clean involves selecting and using either natural or sustainably produced artificial fibers to support a genuine circular economy model, constantly striving to reduce environmental impact.

  • Durable

    Durability counters the fast-use and fast-fashion concepts by promoting conscious and sustainable consumption. Textile products, hard to recycle, must be designed to last, signifying high quality.

A movement for environmental and social sustainability

As part of the Slow Food Italy network, Slow Fiber champions awareness campaigns through the direct testimony and involvement of companies that daily adhere to environmental and social sustainability standards.

The strength of the Slow Fiber network lies in the companies and people involved, who not only advocate the values outlined in the attached Manifesto but also actively work to make them real and tangible.

Through their daily operations, they demonstrate that it is possible to create textile products for clothing and home decor that are not only beautiful but also healthy for users, clean due to reduced environmental impact of production processes, fair by respecting the rights and dignity of the workers involved, enhancing their skills and traditional knowledge, and durable to extend their useful life, minimize waste, and reduce waste production.