What is Slow Fiber
Born from a group of textile companies in Piedmont with a common need: change the course of consumerism in the textile field, combining aesthetics, ethics, quality of life and a conscious production. This is how the story of Slow Fiber kicks off.
Today it is estimated that over 150 billion pieces of clothing and accessories are produced every year but almost half of it remains unsold. Not considering the pollution and the exploitation of raw materials needed to realize such a huge production.
It is evident therefore that it is essential to carry out concrete and shared actions to invert this harmful trend.
Slow Fiber puts together a group of different companies of the piedmontese textile sector that decided to make concrete choices in order to spread new business models founded on healthier, cleaner, fairer and more durable products.
Slow Fiber pillars
Based on Slow Food model that promotes the right to a “good, clean and fair” food pleasure, the companies that take part in Slow Fiber wanted to spread the same values but in the textile field.
Slow Fiber model 5 pillars.
- Good
Defines the industrial model based on the values of Slow Fiber, a special link with the territory of origin to promote and pass skills and knowledge
- Clean
A cleaner production and consumption is the only way to show respect to our environment and to future generations.
- Fair
Fairness towards people who work in textile fields means going against illegal exploitation in every step of clothing production.
- Healthy
What we wear could affect our health in different ways both directly and indirectly.
- Durable
A durable cloth is made to last for long time. This means that there will be less waste clothes to be disposed of or that become old-fashioned in little time.
Oscalito in Slow Fiber
Since the beginning, Oscalito has been one of the promoters and founders of Slow Fiber network.
Our mission summed up in the five essential key points of quality, Italianness, naturalness, luxury and ethics perfectly embraced all the values Slow Fiber aimed to spread.
“Natural on your skin” perfectly describes our goal: realize high quality lingerie, knitwear and much more constantly looking at what is better for your health, for the environment and for future generations.
For a different present towards a sustainable future
As part of Slow Fiber, we strongly believe that it is possible to reverse the trend of today's unbridled consumerism.
By sharing efforts, we can spread among companies and consumers a new awareness about the importance of making sustainable choices in clothing.
What you decide to wear everyday can make the difference for the world.